Crisis! How Low Rental Inventory and High Rents Impact Us All (Part 2)

Dates: October 14, 2022
Meets: F from 12 N to 1:30 PM
Location: Online
Cost:  $0.00
Date Day Time
10/14/2022Friday12 N to 1:30 PM

Online registration is not available at this time. Please contact our office for more information.

Support Person: Academic Technology and Outreach  Phone: (406) 994-6550  Email:

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Bozeman was one of the top five fastest growing micropolitan statistical areas in the country between 2010 and 2020, with the population increasing from 37,280 to 53,293. Bozeman was one of just six micropolitan areas to gain at least 15,000 people during that period.

The growth has contributed to substantial increases in housing prices, according to forum presenters. They say the rising costs have prevented some from purchasing a home in Bozeman while limiting affordable rental options for many citizens, impacting the availability of employees.

The October 14 event will feature interviews with peer communities struggling with housing affordability, including Missoula; Bend, Oregon; and Boise, Idaho. In addition, Bozeman City Commissioner Christopher Coburn will highlight Bozeman and Gallatin County's responses, solutions and additional ideas to help address the rental situation.

The first part of this series was held Sept. 9 and is available on the OLLI at MSU Recordings webpage.

Participants must register no later than 11:00 a.m. on Friday, October 14. Upon registration confirmation, participants will receive an email with the Zoom link and instructions to join the program.

Friday Forum offers presentations and lively discussions on local and regional timely topics. Friday Forum is free and open to the public.
Fee:  $0.00


This is a real-time (live) online class that meets at the specified day(s)/time(s) listed.

We will send you a reminder email with login instructions one business day before the program start date. If there are additional sessions, we will send reminders the morning of those sessions.