All Courses

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SubjectCourse NameLocationBegins
TechnologyArduino Based RoboticsOnline - Self Pace
TechnologyIntroduction to Robotics using LEGO MindstormsOnline - Self Pace
Science & TechnologyUnderstanding and Addressing Research Fatigue in Rural CommunitiesOnline: Self-Paced
Health & WellnessGambling/Gaming DisordersOnline - Self Pace
Science & NatureOperator Basics: Ground Water SystemsOnline: Self-Paced
Science & NatureWater Quality BasicsOnline: Self-Paced
Science & NatureOperator Basics: Surface and Ground Water SystemsOnline: Self-Paced
Science & NatureOperator Basics: Wastewater Lagoon SystemsOnline: Self-Paced
Montana Weatherization Training CenterVirtual Quality Control InspectorOnline Asynchronous
Montana Weatherization Training CenterVirtual Energy AuditorOnline Asynchronous
Science & NatureMaster Gardener ProgramOnline - Self Pace03/01/24
OLLI Book Discussion GroupsOLLI at MSU Book Discussion GroupBozeman, MT - Hope Lutheran Church01/06/25
OLLI Book Discussion GroupsOLLI at MSU Mystery Book Discussion GroupOnline01/07/25
OLLI Book Discussion GroupsOLLI at MSU NonFiction Book Discussion GroupOnline01/20/25
OLLI Gift CertificateOLLI at MSU Gift CertificatesNot Applicable07/01/24
Professional DevelopmentExplore Digital Literacy and Design with Adobe ExpressJabs Hall 21104/01/25
Montana Weatherization Training CenterElectrical Principles, Equipment Grounding, and Jobsite Safety Full<Montana Weatherization Training Center - Bozeman02/24/25
Montana Weatherization Training CenterEnergy AuditorMontana Weatherization Training Center - Bozeman03/10/25
Montana Weatherization Training CenterEnergy AuditorMontana Weatherization Training Center - Bozeman06/02/25
Montana Weatherization Training CenterEPA Renovation, Repair, and Painting - Initial CourseMontana Weatherization Training Center - Bozeman02/20/25
Montana Weatherization Training CenterEPA Renovation, Repair, and Painting - Initial CourseMontana Weatherization Training Center - Bozeman05/15/25
Montana Weatherization Training CenterEPA Renovation, Repair, and Painting - Refresher CourseMontana Weatherization Training Center - Bozeman02/19/25
Montana Weatherization Training CenterEPA Renovation, Repair, and Painting - Refresher CourseMontana Weatherization Training Center - Bozeman05/14/25
Montana Weatherization Training CenterBasic FurnaceMontana Weatherization Training Center - Bozeman03/24/25
Montana Weatherization Training CenterHealthy Housing PrinciplesMontana Weatherization Training Center - Bozeman05/12/25
Professional DevelopmentHome Performance and Energy Retrofit BootcampMontana Weatherization Training Center - Bozeman05/12/25
Montana Weatherization Training CenterQuality Control InspectorMontana Weatherization Training Center - Bozeman04/29/25
Montana Weatherization Training CenterMobile Home Weatherization: Classroom and Lab EditionMontana Weatherization Training Center - Bozeman02/26/25
Montana Weatherization Training CenterMobile Home Weatherization: Classroom and Lab EditionMontana Weatherization Training Center - Bozeman06/10/25
Montana Weatherization Training CenterTroubleshooting Equipment with Modern MultimetersMontana Weatherization Training Center - Bozeman02/25/25
Montana Weatherization Training CenterOSHA 10Montana Weatherization Training Center - Bozeman03/19/25
Montana Weatherization Training CenterRetrofit Installer Technician: Building ShellMontana Weatherization Training Center - Bozeman04/14/25
Montana Weatherization Training CenterRetrofit Installer Technician: Mechanical SystemsMontana Weatherization Training Center - Bozeman02/10/25
Montana Weatherization Training CenterRetrofit Installer Technician: Mechanical SystemsMontana Weatherization Training Center - Bozeman05/05/25
Montana Weatherization Training CenterCertified Residential ThermographerMontana Weatherization Training Center - Bozeman05/20/25
Montana Weatherization Training CenterWeatherization Crew Leader/Advanced Crew MemberMontana Weatherization Training Center - Bozeman03/04/25
OLLI CoursesWonders of Spring: Bird Migration, Song and Breeding FullBozeman MT - Hope Lutheran Church - Field Trip05/20/25
OLLI CoursesGoing Local: Bozeman's History From Frontier Times To Present FullBozeman, MT - Hope Lutheran Church03/27/25
OLLI CoursesAncient Egypt in Ten ObjectsBozeman, MT - Hope Lutheran Church02/25/25
OLLI CoursesThe Endocrine System and YOU: Part 1Bozeman, MT - Hope Lutheran Church02/19/25
OLLI CoursesGeology of Montana and Yellowstone National ParkOnline02/24/25
OLLI CoursesMontana Government and Montana's Citizen LegislatureBozeman, MT - Hope Lutheran Church03/19/25
OLLI CoursesWith a Song in My Heart: Great Musical Comedy ComposersOnline02/06/25
OLLI CoursesThe Operas and Influence of Wagner and VerdiBozeman, MT - Hope Lutheran Church04/10/25
OLLI ExtraSkills for Montana's Bear Country FullBozeman MT - Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks04/09/25
OLLI ExtraOLLI on Campus: College of Engineering FullMSU Bozeman - Barnard Hall04/03/25
OLLI ExtraFly Casting and Rigging for SuccessBozeman, MT - Hope Lutheran Church05/05/25
OLLI ExtraHRDC and Fork & Spoon FullHRDC Community Commons05/28/25
OLLI ExtraEngaging With PoetryBozeman, MT - Hope Lutheran Church04/16/25
OLLI Side TripJoining the Ranks of OLLI RetireesBozeman, MT - Museum of the Rockies04/24/25
OLLI ExtraTaste of OLLI: Lockhorn Cider FullBozeman MT - Lockhorn Cider05/06/25
OLLI ExtraMSU Sustainability Tour: Above and Underground FullMSU Bozeman - Heating Plant06/12/25
OLLI Friday ForumApril Friday Forum Title to be DeterminedOnline04/11/25
OLLI Friday ForumAddressing Montana's Suicide CrisisOnline02/14/25
OLLI Friday ForumMarch Friday Forum Title to be DeterminedOnline03/14/25
OLLI Friday ForumMay Friday Forum Title to be DeterminedOnline05/09/25
OllI How Its MadeR. L. Winston Factory Tour FullTwin Bridges MT - R. L. Winston Factory05/14/25
OllI How Its MadeGo Fast Campers FullBelgrade MT - Go Fast Campers05/20/25
OllI How Its MadeGo Fast Campers FullBelgrade MT - Go Fast Campers05/21/25
OllI How Its MadeAn Inside Look at a Radio Station: KGVM FullBozeman MT - KGVM Gallatin Valley Community Radio02/12/25
OLLI CoursesBella Napoli: Italy's (Other) "Eternal City"Osher Online04/11/25
OLLI CoursesNeurology in a Nutshell: The Brain Explained FullOsher Online04/10/25
OLLI CoursesCar Crazy: 1950s OnwardOsher Online04/09/25
OLLI CoursesMainstreaming the Margins: A History of LGBTQ+ AmericaOsher Online04/01/25
OLLI CoursesThe Soundtrack of Rock & Pop in the 50s & 60s: The Magic of the Brill Building EraOsher Online04/01/25
OLLI CoursesWomen: The Forgotten "Men" in HistoryOsher Online03/31/25
OLLI Side TripThe Archie Bray Foundation and Ceramics in MontanaBozeman, MT - Museum of the Rockies04/14/25
OLLI Side TripBuffalo Restoration: Healing for the FutureBozeman, MT - Museum of the Rockies02/24/25
OLLI Side TripHistoric Butte: Montana's Mining CityBozeman, MT - Museum of the Rockies03/17/25
OLLI Side TripThe Germans and Their Führer: Insights Into a Mutual ObsessionOnline05/12/25
OLLI Side TripHuman Trafficking: Protecting the VictimBozeman, MT - Museum of the Rockies04/28/25
OLLI Side TripIntroduction to PermacultureBozeman, MT - Museum of the Rockies02/10/25
OLLI Side TripIs Anybody Out There? Searching for Life ElsewhereBozeman, MT - Museum of the Rockies05/19/25
OLLI Side TripMuscles, Balance and AgingBozeman, MT - Museum of the Rockies04/21/25
OLLI Side TripMontana PBS: Its History and FutureBozeman, MT - Museum of the Rockies03/24/25
OLLI Side TripPlate Tectonics: A Revolution in the Earth SciencesBozeman, MT - Museum of the Rockies03/03/25
OLLI Travel SeriesWinter Ecology of Yellowstone National Park FullYellowstone Forever Institute - Lamar Buffalo Ranch02/20/25
Montana Weatherization Training CenterMontana Weatherization Training Center Energy Auditor Field Exam RefresherFace To Face
Montana Weatherization Training CenterMontana Weatherization Training Center ExamsRemote and Face-to-Face

Click the course Title link for more information.

2024-2025 OLLI at MSU MembershipMembership45.00

These courses may be offered at a future date. Click the course Title link for more information.