Water Resources: Ecology and Management

Dates: September 26 - October 31, 2023
Meets: Tu from 10:00 AM to 12 N
Location: Bozeman, MT - Hope Lutheran Church
Cost:  $75.00

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Date Day Time
09/26/2023Tuesday10 AM to 12 N
10/03/2023Tuesday10 AM to 12 N
10/10/2023Tuesday10 AM to 12 N
10/17/2023Tuesday10 AM to 12 N
10/24/2023Tuesday10 AM to 12 N
10/31/2023Tuesday10 AM to 12 N

Please note: This course program requires membership in a 2023-2024 OLLI at MSU Membership


Humans use freshwater directly and indirectly in our innumerable daily needs. Freshwater resources worldwide are stressed due to rising living standards, changing values and growing populations. Because freshwater is essential to ensuring the well-being of every human community and the continued habitability of the Earth, understanding water is vital for natural-resource professionals and all who wish to act in their communities as informed and productive citizens.

This course focuses on freshwater and covers these topics:

  1. The distribution, amounts and movement of water on Earth.
  2. The physical, chemical and biological characteristics of freshwater.
  3. Freshwater requirements of natural ecosystems and human communities.
  4. Human management of water resources and resulting changes in water quality, location and amounts.
  5. Human laws, policies and economic institutions regarding freshwater.
  6. Emerging issues influencing the sustainability and usefulness of Earth's freshwater resources.
  7. Traditional and innovative solutions to water problems.

Course Takeaways

When you have completed this course, you will be able to:

  1. Explain the water cycle.
  2. Delineate and describe your home (or another) watershed, identify how and who manages its waters, and describe the location, movement, quality, uses and transformations of those waters, both above- and below-ground.
  3. Appraise the benefits and drawbacks of human approaches for handling water, including economic, legal, infrastructural and policy.
  4. Explain the methods used to generate an understanding of water resources in the natural world and human activities that impact those resources.
  5. Understand wetlands and streams in our neighborhood and the plants and animals that live in them.


Apply for a needs-based scholarship to take this offering.

Meet the Instructor

Fee:  $75.00

Bozeman, MT - Hope Lutheran Church

2152 Graf St
Bozeman, MT 59718
View the location on a map.

William Kleindl

Bill Kleindl has more than 30 years of academic and consulting experience within public and private sectors in the science, policy and management of aquatic environments, including extensive experience in assessing, restoring and managing degraded wetlands and rivers across multiple scales. During his career, he has always aimed to provide a straightforward analysis of ecological data to facilitate a translation for management applications to solve tangible problems that intersect natural and human environments. Bill is currently the president of the Society of Wetland Scientists, where he is interested in bridging the multiple disciplines that engage with wetland science, management and economics. At Montana State University, his research focuses on assessment and management questions that address combined anthropogenic and natural disturbances and how these drive aquatic structure, function and services.
Date Day Time Location
09/26/2023Tuesday10 AM to 12 N Bozeman, MT - Hope Lutheran Church
10/03/2023Tuesday10 AM to 12 N Bozeman, MT - Hope Lutheran Church
10/10/2023Tuesday10 AM to 12 N Bozeman, MT - Hope Lutheran Church
10/17/2023Tuesday10 AM to 12 N Bozeman, MT - Hope Lutheran Church
10/24/2023Tuesday10 AM to 12 N Bozeman, MT - Hope Lutheran Church
10/31/2023Tuesday10 AM to 12 N Bozeman, MT - Hope Lutheran Church