Diversity and Inclusion: Cultural Identities

Dates: October 20-27, 2023
Meets: F from 10:00 AM to 12 N
Location: Bozeman, MT - Hope Lutheran Church
Cost:  $25.00

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Date Day Time
10/20/2023Friday10 AM to 12 N
10/27/2023Friday10 AM to 12 N

Please note: This course program requires membership in a 2023-2024 OLLI at MSU Membership


The American Psychological Association defines culture as "the belief systems and value orientations that influence customs, norms, practices and social institutions, including psychological processes (language, caretaking practices, media, educational systems) and organizations ... these definitions suggest that culture is fluid and dynamic." Each of us is a cultural being, and digging into issues of diversity is a highly personal endeavor that can be very rewarding and tap into deep emotional reservoirs. As we take this journey together, we anticipate discovering similarities and differences.

Course Takeaways

Individuals will gain a deeper appreciation for "other" and a general understanding of cultural identity models.


Apply for a needs-based scholarship to take this offering.

Fee:  $25.00

Bozeman, MT - Hope Lutheran Church

2152 Graf St
Bozeman, MT 59718
View the location on a map.

Barbara do Amaral

Barbara do Amaral is the managing director of the Diversity and Inclusion Student Commons (DISC) at Montana State University. As a lifelong learner, Barbara's commitment to empowering underrepresented groups shapes her core values and who she is as a student and educator: a love for learning, problem-solving, professionalism and collaboration. Barbara hopes to impart her vision of equity with compassion and understanding while serving as the managing director and student advocate. She is always excited to share her life experiences. Her collaborative nature and natural facilitator skills help advance inclusive and equitable environments for students at Montana State University.
Date Day Time Location
10/20/2023Friday10 AM to 12 N Bozeman, MT - Hope Lutheran Church
10/27/2023Friday10 AM to 12 N Bozeman, MT - Hope Lutheran Church