OLLI Shorts: Member Perspectives

Dates: September 18, 2023
Meets: M from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Location: Bozeman, MT - Museum of the Rockies
Cost:  $0.00

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Date Day Time
09/18/2023Monday3 PM to 5 PM

Please note: This course program requires membership in a 2023-2024 OLLI at MSU Membership


Carnegie scientists, plastic surgery in developing countries and cold war diplomacy are some topics OLLI members will share. We invite you to join us as eight selected OLLI members share their stories, experiences and knowledge in lively, informative eight-minute presentations. Curious? So were they! Learn more about the life adventures and understandings of your OLLI cohort.


  • Pat Craig, "Adventures in Science: Dark Matter and Jumping Genes," A brief glimpse into the Carnegie Institution's history and a more intimate look into two Carnegie women scientists who transformed our understanding of the world at two vastly different scales.
  • BB Webb, "Finding Love Over 60," BB Webb, single in her 60s, chronicles the hilarious, often shocking and revealing world of online dating. While highlighting the drive for human connection, she uncovers a vastly unchartered roadmap within the online dating world. Through that process and search, she finds her inner truth.
  • Larry Leonard, "Volunteer Plastic Surgery in Developing Countries," Reflections from 30 years of volunteer plastic surgery in 11 developing countries.
  • Chérie Newman, "Why Your Personal Stories Matter," Your stories are a gift. They offer insight, connection and meaning to your family, community and the world.
  • Bobbi Geise, "Inspired by Nature"
  • Marjorie Smith, "Waltzing with the Bear: My Stab at Cold War Diplomacy," As a U.S. foreign service officer stationed in Sapporo, Japan (1980-1983), I had frequent, often entertaining interaction with the Soviet Consul General. Did you know Russia and Japan are technically still at war over the southern Kuril Islands?
  • John Elwell, "Food for Thought: Why Do We Get So Much Conflicting Information on What We Should Eat?"
  • Richard Lyon, "Cruel and Unusual Punishment, Or Not? My Adventure with Saturday Night Live"
Fee:  $0.00

Bozeman, MT - Museum of the Rockies

600 West Kagy Blvd
Bozeman, Montana 59717