Osher Online - Summer Bootcamp - Intro to Managing Your Privacy

Dates: July 20, 2023
Meets: Th from 10:00 AM to 11:15 AM
Location: Osher Online
Cost:  $0.00
Date Day Time
07/20/2023Thursday10 AM to 10 AM

Please note: This course program requires membership in a 2022-2023 OLLI at MSU Membership


This program will not be recorded.

Concerned about privacy? Unsure about accepting cookies? Learn about some essential privacy tips! In this introductory lecture, we'll review how ads target us online, how to limit tracking, and where to find browser settings and extensions to control how our information is shared. We'll also discuss some of the key features of password managers and why they're a safe and secure option.

The National Resource Center for Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes (Osher NRC) is offering this presentation in collaboration with Northwestern University School of Professional Studies and Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) with AARP.

About the Osher Online Pilot Program

Experience shared online presentations with OLLI members from across the nation this summer! As part of the Osher Online pilot program, OLLI at MSU members will enjoy national speakers, interact with fellow OLLI members across the country, and help shape the future of Osher Online.

Fee:  $0.00

Osher Online

This is a real-time (live) online class that meets at the specified day(s)/time(s) listed.