Addressing Montana's Suicide Crisis

Dates: February 14, 2025
Meets: F from 12 N to 1:30 PM
Location: Online
Cost:  $0.00
Date Day Time
02/14/2025Friday12 N to 1:30 PM

According to the Center for Disease Control's National Center for Health Statistics, Montana has the highest death rate by suicide in the country. Tracy Rassley, the programs manager for the Montana and Wyoming chapters of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, will discuss suicide, including Montana's suicide rate, the factors responsible for Montana's high rate and suicide prevention.

Tracy Rassley will be joined by Rachel Jeffries, the Suicide Prevention Coordinator for Lewis and Clark County who will discuss the LOSS Team (Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors) and how this important program was started there. To date, this is the first and only county in Montana with a LOSS Team. They will also discuss whether Gallatin County could benefit from forming a chapter to help those in the community who have experienced the profound grief that accompanies suicide.

You can easily register using our registration system if you are a current OLLI member. Participants must register no later than 11:00 a.m. on Friday, February 14. If you are not an OLLI member, do not wish to use the OLLI registration system, or wish to register after registrations close, click or tap here to register directly through Zoom. Upon registration confirmation, participants will receive an email with the Zoom link and instructions to join the program.

Friday Forum offers presentations and lively discussions on local and regional timely topics. Friday Forum is free and open to the public.

Fee:  $0.00


This is a real-time (live) online class that meets at the specified day(s)/time(s) listed.

We will send you a reminder email with login instructions one business day before the program start date. If there are additional sessions, we will send reminders the morning of those sessions.